Happy Tails

Samantha and Tippy

Trapped in a situation of constant domestic abuse, Samantha’s only moments of peace and hope came when she nuzzled Tippy’s furry head beneath her chin. The fact that Samantha was even allowed to take in Tippy in the first place was a miracle. With little money and a partner who wouldn’t allow her to spend money on veterinary care for her canine companion, Samantha dreamed of escaping her situation and bringing Tippy with her. When staying became impossible, Samantha found the courage to get herself to Anova women’s shelter with Tippy, a happy tale. 

Anova wanted to a happy tale for Tippy and Samantha together, however Tippy had not been vaccinated or spayed. They could not allow her to stay with Samantha unless both had been completed. Anova contacted PAWS for assistance because they could not accommodate the urgency of the request for vaccination and spaying. PAWS was able to find a cost-effective alternative and covered the entire cost of vaccinations and spaying. Allowing Tippy to continue to provide Samantha the love and support she needed to get through this difficult transition. 

We don’t want to even think about how many other people are in similar situations. People who are afraid to leave their abusive situations for fear leaving their animal companion. Thankfully, partnerships like the one between PAWS and Anova have evolved to ensure that there is a safe place for every family member. 


Anova a women’s shelter in London Ontario, clearly understands the important relationship between a person in a vulnerable situation and their animal companion. With our assistance and support, Anova took the courageous step of making their facility friendly to animal companions. The safety of residents, staff and other animal companions is of the utmost importance to Anova. Like any other facility the condition for acceptance is that all animal companions must be spayed/neutered and fully vaccinated.


You can help

Your donation is urgently needed to help one of the many people currently on our waiting list that require financial assistance for veterinary care. Let's make more happy tales!

If you need help

PAWS subsidizes the costs of veterinary care for low-income and at-risk pet owners. If your pet needs vet care, please read the criteria to see if you qualify.